Friday, 21 October 2011

Day 7.

Almost a week into the Cura Romana programme, and I'm starting to feel the shift. I have lost an astonishing 9lbs since the weekend (and the programme only offers up to 7lbs a week), although I did have a slight panic on Wednesday evening when (6lbs down) I had a wrestle with my favourite jeans as they refused to go over my bum. Having dropped two dress sizes and gained 4 stone over the last couple of years, I think that finally the invisible weight is trying to become more visible! That said, I have noticed my wobbly bit on my belly is retreating, and I'm no longer getting stuck on the rabbit gate every time I go through it.

The hunger was there on and off for about 2 and a half days before I realised that I am not actually experiencing hunger now, but more a craving for food. The very lovely Leslie Kenton, who personally mentors everyone who takes the Inner Circle programme, has established (with a few other symptoms) that I have an overgrowth of Candida. The "yeastie beasties" as she calls them are widely believed in alternative medicine to lead to fatigue and weight gain amongst other things, so there is a part of my brain that is still sitting slack-jawed thinking that all of this could be the result of a bad case of intestinal thrush. I don't know how, but I seem to have a definite knack for picking up gut parasites. (If you haven't heard the story of my dairy allergy, please let me know.)

I miss parts of my daily routine, such as not having breakfast. First thing in the morning is usually the only time I am hungry, so I've always eaten a good-sized breakfast. Passing over that feels like I'm missing out, although it is more from routine than hunger than I feel like this. I'm making do with the insoluble fibre and vitamin C combination that I am drinking each morning, and following it up with a cup of laxative tea to prevent my bowels from becoming sluggish on such a small diet. The danger here is that I am really starting to enjoy the laxative tea. I may have to get my husband to hide it somewhere away from me once I return to normal eating to avoid accidentally brewing a cup to enjoy the flavour without thinking through the consequences. Hey, I am a blonde.

I am still detoxing. I have sat on the sofa doing very little except for reading, watching TV, playing Minecraft on my computer and daydreaming. Mainly about being slim and healthy. It feels so wrong after the pacing and being housebound with illness, but my body is working so hard to purge itself of all the rubbish its been carrying around that it needs the rest. It will let me know when it is time to get up again. I am hoping it will be before my birthday though. The intense detox that I am experiencing is what has led to my unusually high weightloss. Most people who undertake the programme would lose less weight in the same space of time, but would also be free from the drowsiness, the bunged nose and the generally feeling a bit rubbish.

On the plus side, I have already noticed that I am getting fewer sharp pains from my fibromyalgia. I am still aching all over, and am still tired, but the improvement is definitely there. I also feel a bit more flexible, as if the stiffness from my muscles is easing away. I've even managed to take baths without the aid of my bathseat, which feels fantastic. Give it a couple more days and I feel sure I'll be able to touch my toes like I used to!

A few people have expressed an interest in Cura Romana after discovering how much weight I've lost with how much ease. Even with the detox taking place, I feel much better than I ever have on any diet I've done before. I have no hunger now, am eating tasty steak on a regular basis and even the disgusting-looking supplements are actually rather tasty. Compared to most diets, Cura Romana is easy. And the big selling factor for me is that they have a 98% success rate at keeping the weight off permanently. Most diets boast a 70% success rate at losing weight initially, but don't broadcast their statistics for long-term weightloss. The 2% who gain weight again after the programme usually did something wrong at some time during the process. So if you are serious about permanent weightloss and want some of the health benefits that Cura Romana offer over other diets, check out what they have to offer at . There is a free download called 'Pounds and Inches' which is well worth a read, and you can book a free 15-minute consultation with Leslie Kenton. She is not into hard selling, so you won't feel obligated at all if you decide you'd like to have a chat with her.

Sorry it sounds so much like a sales pitch, but I am just so relieved to have found Cura Romana that I want to share it with everyone who wants to know!

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