Friday, 30 December 2011


I've just realised it's been nearly two months since my last blog post. Oops. I'll admit it, I've been terribly lazy.

When I last posted, I was still in the throes of Cura Romana. Unfortunately, that ended with a bump as I had an allergic reaction to something I was eating and became really quite ill. I had to break the diet in a hurry simply to allow my body to recover. I still haven't figured out exactly what caused the reaction, but I think I've more or less cracked it. But as I had already lost two and a half stone in 5 weeks, and have only regained 7lbs of that, I still consider the diet a success overall and will give it another go when I know that my body has recovered from the previous burst. Even ending the diet abruptly, I have found that I have managed to learn a lot about what works for me and what doesn't simply by keeping a food diet and looking for patterns in the fluctuation of my weight and any digestive issues. And there have been very few digestive issues.

So since then I have been busy recovering, getting ready for Christmas (with an immediate family of 40 that is no mean feat!) and slowly doing a bit more work. Business is still quite slow, but I am finding that word is starting to spread and more people are willing to give alternative treatments a go. Which is very exciting news.

I have also decided that I am not going to stay at Regus in the new year. I have another couple of months before my contract runs out with them, but the way they operate does not agree with the way I operate. I still have space at A New Leaf... in Maidstone, and if there is demand I can always find a new fixed space that will suit me better. If you have any thoughts on this, please do let me know.

And I think that that might actually be all of the news I have from over the last two months. Which is a little sad really. But hopefully this year I will be a bit better about blogging regularly with more interesting topics than I have found so far!

1 comment:

  1. I've never left a comment here before though I'm slowly making my way back through past posts. I've nominated this blog for an award; you can go to pick it up.
